Dill weed is an annual and sometimes perennial herb that is native to the Mediterranean region. Like many other members of the carrot family, dill is a tall plant that produces light green, feathery leaves, which become dill “weed” when dried. Dill has a mildly sweet flavor that combines well with most soups, stews, eggs, fish and vegetables, especially carrots, tomatoes and cucumbers. Dill weed is also the perfect finishing touch on a buttered baked potato. See also dill seed.
Dill Weed c/s, 1/4 lb
The common name for dill is modeled after the Norse word dylle, which means "to lull," a reference to the inclusion of the herb in old-fashioned gripe water used to settle colic and induce sleep in infants.
Dill weed is also used in herbal pillows for similar reasons and to season cooked vegetables, breads, and pasta, rice, egg and cheese dishes.