Vitamin D is vital for many functions in the human body*, and influences a host of biological functions vital to health and well being.
* Many people develop a Vitamin D deficiency due to lack of sun exposure, and inadequate intake from food sources for various reasons. Vitamin D is most well known for its contribution to supporting bone health and immune health*, and acts to assist the body absorb calcium*.
Vitamin K is important for a variety of metabolic roles in the body, including regulating the function of proteins involved in important coagulation processes* as well as bone formation *.
Vitamin K 2 assists the body in transporting calcium, assuring that calcium is deposited in bones
Vitamin D3 and K2 Liquid Drops 0.5oz
Liquid Vitamin D3 is vital for many functions in the human body*, and influences a host of biological functions vital to health and well being. * Many people develop a Vitamin D deficiency due to lack of sun exposure, and inadequate intake from food sources for various reasons. Vitamin D is most well known for its contribution to supporting bone health and immune health*, and acts to assist the body absorb calcium*.
Vitamin K is important for a variety of metabolic roles in the body, including regulating the function of proteins involved in important coagulation processes* as well as bone formation *. Vitamin K 2 assists the body in transporting calcium, assuring that calcium is deposited in bones
Nature’s Answer Vitamin K 2 and D 3 brings together two nutrients important to support the healthy function of the skeletal*, cardiovascular*, and immune* systems. There is a synergistic interplay between between Vitamin D and Vitamin K, which helps to support these many body systems.
Nature’s Answer’s unique supplement delivers both of these fat soluble vitamins together in a small 2 drop per day serving, in an all-natural base of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Rosemary Extract, and Lemon Oil.
Vitamin D is called the Sunshine Vitamin because it is produced naturally by the body after exposure to approximately ½ hour of sunlight, depending on such variables as skin type and time of day.