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Horsetail is a non-flowering, semi-aquatic perennial plant that is closely related to the fern that naturally occurs in certain regions of North America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. It is an herb of antiquity, descended from ancient trees dating to the Paleozoic era. Horsetail also has a long history of use, starting with the ancient Romans and Greeks. Because the plant has a high silica content, the young stems are prepared as a vegetable or juiced, much like nettle. The dried leaf is also added to foods or is taken in capsule form as a dietary supplement.

Horsetail/ Shavegrass powder, Wild Crafted, 1/4 lb

  • Horsetail, commonly referred to as Field Horsetail, belongs to one of the oldest surviving family of plants on the planet with a history dating to the Paleozoic era. This non-flowering plant, which is closely related to the fern, is the most abundant source of silica that exists, and is also rich in calcium and potassium.

    Because of the nutritional properties of this herb, horsetail powder is encapsulated as a dietary supplement or used to make "tonics" for house and garden plants.

    Powdered horsetail is also used in natural cosmetics, most notably in hair conditioners and shampoos.

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