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Most people are familiar with hops as an ingredient in beer, but the herb has a long history of use as an ingredient in traditional herbal bitters, tisanes, tonics and teas. Although the heart-shaped leaves and flower heads have a reputation for providing a bitter, aromatic taste to various beverages, they were once used to produce a brown dye. When not inducing relaxation or sleep as a constituent of ale, hops is a traditional component of herbal sleep pillows along with lavender and dill.

Hops Whole, 1/4 lb

  • Hops are the female flowers of a climbing plant found throughout Europe and North America that is related to Cannabis, or hemp.

    The most widespread use of hops is in beer production, a practice that dates back many centuries. Whole hops are used by home brewers today for the same purpose, or to make tisanes and teas.

    Hops are also added to herb pillows, often in combination with lavender, valerian, dill and other herbs reputed to promote relaxation.

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